Dreams Take Flight

by Linda Shafer
Dreams Take Flight
Linda Shafer
Photograph - Photograph, Digital Art
This 1895 Looff carousel was first placed in Fairbanks, Texas.... Through many travels, it found its way to San Diego, California in 2004, making its home in Sea Port Village.. I remember riding this carousel when it was located on the Santa Monica pier... It is as beautiful now is it was then... Dreams do take flight... -- COPYRIGHT NOTICE -- All work in this gallery is the original work of Linda Knorr Shafer. It is for sale, copyrighted to Linda Knorr Shafer / LKS Photography and, as such, is protected by US and International Copyright laws. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The images may not be copied, reproduced, manipulated or used in any way, without written permission of Linda Knorr Shafer / LKS Photography. Any unauthorized usage will be prosecuted to the full extent of U.S. Copyright Law.
September 29th, 2009